Rebuilding my Deathwing: Building a new force after a decade of gaming

It's been a decade since I built my current Deathwing force.
I've played countless games, made huge improvements in my hobby skills and I feel like it's finally time to rebuild them with a few changes.
My current force wears white armour and so I've decided to do the new force in bone colored armour. I've never done it before, but I've always thought it looked cool.

Starting by collecting and sorting out my bits

It takes me a little while to get all the pieces sorted out. I try to spread the unique bits between squads to make sure everything is visually "balanced" so to say.

This process is constantly changing right up to the last model I build, but doing it helps me see what I have to work with and sort of plan out what I want to do with each model.
What the new force will look like

Right now, the plan is to build two 5-man squads.

The first will have a Sergeant with a Power Sword and a Marine with a Heavy Flamer.
The second will have a Sergeant with a Thunder Hammer and a Marine with an Assault Cannon.
Both squads will get a Marine with a Chainfist.

The next step

I've got a ton of work ahead of me.
I think once I get all my bits sorted out, I need to figure out how to paint bone armour. I know there are a ton of ways to do it, I just need to find one that I like.

Additional links:
• Project link: Rebuilding my Deathwing