
Playtesting a new approach to generating and allocating Command Points UPDATED

Mission: "Data Download" from the Space Marine player's perspective ★★★☆☆

Changing the belt buckle to make my Terminator waist conversion a little easier

Doing some much needed repair work on my board pieces, it's easier than you think

How I'm modifying the new Terminator helmets to fit my older models

Mission: "Data Download" from the Genestealer player's perspective ★★★☆☆

If I know one thing for sure, it's that working with recast bits is not for the faint of sculpting

Expanding my Space Wolves: Four things I learned in the process

Facing matters in Space Hulk and how your models sit on their base is more important than you think

Space Wolves Wolf Guard Sergeant with Power Sword: The finished model

Space Wolves Wolf Guard Sergeant with Power Sword: Weathering and the last few details

Space Wolves Wolf Guard Sergeant with Power Sword: Painting all the gold and fake tracer rounds